BREAD dementia - this preparation can be an aperitif or serve breakfast. For the dough you need: 175 grams butter 350 grams flour, 1 / 2 teaspoon of powdered mustard, 1 egg.Place the butter cut in pieces, flour and mustard and mix. Add saltand stir, then add water and knead again until the dough come together. When ready, wrap it in plastic wrap and let it cold, as dothe filling.For the filling: 50 grams of butter, 3-wire green onion, 1 cup freshpeas, 100 grams of ham, finely chopped mint leaves, cheese.
Melt the butter in a pan and fry onion, add the peas after a minuteand let it cool off. Add diced ham, mint, cheese and homogenized composition.The dough is divided, it stretch, place the filling but not to Edge,then gather dough with beaten egg and sticks. Little bread thus obtained is placed on a tray in which previously put baking paperand brush with oil. Bake at medium heat 35-40 minutes.
PAINE DEMENTA - acest preparat poate fi un aperitiv sau poate constitui micul dejun. Pentru aluat aveti nevoie de : 175 grame de unt, 350 grame faina, 1/2 lingurita de praf de mustar, 1 ou.
Pentru umplutura: 50 grame de unt, 3 fire ceapa verde, 1 cana de mazare proaspata, 100 grame de sunca, frunze de menta tocate marunt, branza.Se pune untul facut bucati , faina si mustarul si se mixeaza. Se adauga sare si se omogenizeaza, apoi adaugati apa si framantati din nou, pana se aduna aluatul. Cand e gata, il inveliti in folie de plastic si-l dati la rece, cat faceti umplutura.
Se topeste untul intr-o tigaie si se caleste ceapa, se adauga mazarea, dupa un minut se stinge si se lasa la racit. Adaugati sunca taiata cubulete, menta, branza si omogenizati compozitia.
Aluatul se imparte, se intinde, se pune umplutura dar nu pana in margine, apoi se aduna aluatul si se lipeste cu ou batut. Painicile astfel obtinute se aseaza pe o tava in care s-a pus in prealabil hartie pentru copt si se ung cu ulei. Se coc la foc potrivit 35-40 minute.
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