**** HOT SAUCE PORK CHOPS - chops are ready, then cut an onion and put in a little oil to cook. When put to soak for half a table spoon of flour and mix again, goes off with a cup of white wine and two cups of meat broth. It you boil a half hour.
Place another skillet brown chops. In the sauce, add a tea spoon o fmustard and two finely chopped pickled cucumber. Arrange chops on a plate and put sauce on top.
****COTLETE DE PORC IN SOS PICANT - Se pregatesc cotletele, apoi se taie o ceapa si se pune la calit in putin ulei. Cand s-a inmuiat se pune o jumatate de lingura de faina si se amesteca mereu, se stinge cu o ceasca de vin alb si doua cesti de supa din carne. Se tine la fiert o jumatate de ora.
Se pun in alta tigaie cotletele la rumenit. In sos se mai adauga o lingurita de mustar si doi castraveti murati taiati marunt. Se aseaza cotletele pe farfurie si se toarna sosul deasupra.
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