HOLY HIGH-painter OF EGGS - Lamb Soup - how I got from Santa ancestor, Easter eggs are painted, as they signify the blood of the Savior who died for our sins on the cross for salvation.
Ferb eggs are very hard to paint separate envelope loosen and dissolve in boiling water. When eggs are cooked and cooled, soakthem in paint to color it, then put them on a paper towel to drain.For a spectacular effect will recommend a towel soaked in oil andrub the eggs to become shiny.
SOUP OF THE LAMB - The head and boil chunks of lamb, as add boiled carrots, parsley and onion. When they boil and pour sour soup, chcooked vegetables add finely chopped green onion tails, 2-3 tablespoons of rice.
Allow rice to boil and add salt to taste. Separately in a bowl put the yolk of an egg with two tablespoons of sour cream and add tosoup.
JOIA MARE- VOPSITUL DE OUA - CIORBA DE MIEL - Eu asa am apucat din mos stramos, de Paste se vopsesc oua, caci ele semnifica sangele Mantuitorului care a murit pe cruce pentru izbavirea pacatelor noastre.
Se ferb ouale foarte tare, separat se desface plicul de vopsea si se dizolva in apa fiarta. Cand ouale sunt fierte si racite, le scufundati in vopsea pana se coloreaza, apoi le asezati pe un servetel sa se scurga. Pentru un efect spectaculos va recomanda sa inmuiati un servetel in ulei si sa frecati ouale pentru a deveni lucioase.
CIORBA DE MIEL - Se pune la fiert capul si bucati de carne de miel, cum a dat in clocot se adauga morcov, patrunjel si o ceapa. Cand au fiert si legumele se toarna borsul fiert se adauga cozi de ceapa verde taiata fin, 2-3 linguri de orez.
Se lasa orezul sa fiarba si se degusta pentru a adauga sare. Separat se pune intr-un castron un galbenus de ou cu doua linguri de smantana si se adauga in ciorba.
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