SOUP OF BONE - The Romanian traditional kind of soup, but today I present to you how I cook. Borsch boil until starts to boil, meanwhile Potion bones with flesh, when boiled, add chopped vegetables and then the bones. Very well be left to boil, do not add water. From time to time removed occasionally bubble over with a slotted spoon. It is considered cooked when the meat off the bones easily. The broth and add fresh lovage, give the once hot and ready to be served with cream or yogurt.
CIORBA DE OASE - Este un fel traditional romanesc de ciorba, dar azi am sa va prezint cum o prepar eu. Pun la fiert borsul pana da in clocot, intre timp potionez oasele cu carne, cand a dat in clocot, adaug legumele taiate marunt si apoi oasele. Trebuie lasate sa fiarba foarte bine, nu se adauga apa.Din cand in cand trebuie indepartata spuma de deasupra cu o spumiera. Se considera fiarta atunci cand carnea se desprinde usor de pe oase. Se aduga bulion si leustean proaspat, se mai da odata in clocot si este gata de servit cu smintina sau iaurt..
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