SPINACH pie - is something delicious, here's what you need:
For the dough: 250 grams of butter, 2 cans cream of Philadelphiatype cheese, flour, 400-450 grams.
For the filling:
1 kilogram spinach, 1 white onion, 3 tablespoons oil, 250 grams feta cheese, 100 grams of cottage cheese, 1 egg.
For the dough mix butter and cream cheese, then add the flour until fully incorporate. After the dough has congealed gather in a ball and put it in a plastic (cellophane) and leave it over night.
The next day, prepare the filling for carer onion in hot oil to soften.After it became transparent, add the spinach and let simmer together to chaise.
The two types of cheese mix, add the beaten egg omelet. Beyond this place onion and spinach mixture and stir until it incorporates.
On floured table, roll the dough into a sheet under the thick mixtureis distributed evenly and roll. Bake in greased with little oil. Bake inhot fire for 45 minutes!
PLACINTA DE SPANAC - Este ceva delicios, iata ce va trebuie:
Pentru aluat : 250 grame de unt, 2 cutii crema de branza tip Philadelphia, 400-450 grame faina.
Pentru umplutura:
1 kilogram spanac fiert, 1 ceapa alba, 3 linguri ulei, 250 grame telemea de vaca, 100 grame de branza dulce de vaci, 1 ou.
Pentru aluat se amesteca untul si crema de branza, dupa care se adauga faina pana se incorporeaza complet. Dupa ce aluatul s-a inchegat se aduna in forma unei mingi si se pune intr-o folie de plastic (celofan) si se lasa asa peste noapte.
A doua zi se prepara umplutura, pentru carer se inmoaie ceapa in ulei incins. Dupa ce a devenit transparenta, se adauga spanacul si se lasa la foc mic sa se caleasca impreuna.
Se omogenizeaza cele doua tipuri de brinza, se adauga oul batut ca pentru omleta. Peste acest amestec se pune ceapa si spanacul si se amesteca pana se incorporeaza.
Pe masa presarata cu faina se intinde aluatul intr-o foaie potrivit de groasa, se repartizeaza compozitia uniform si se ruleaza. Se da la cuptor in tava unsa cu putin ulei. Se coace la foc iute timp de 45 de minute!
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