CHICKEN WITH MUSHROOMS - Wash the chicken and place in bowl of earth. In a separate clean and wash mushrooms. The fire is placed in a dish that puts yogurt, salt, pepper and lemon juice. When boiling, add mushrooms and stir continuously. All over the chicken mixture in the bowl upside down to earth and then bake for the sauce to penetrate the meat.
PUI CU CIUPERCI - Se spala pieptul de pui si se pune in vasul de pamant. Separat se curata ciupercile si se spala. Pe foc se aseaza un vas in care se pune iaurt, sare, piper si zeama de lamaie. Cand a fiert, se adauga ciupercile si se amesteca continuu. Toata compozitia se rastoarna peste pui in vasul de pamant si apoi se pune la cuptor, pentru ca sosul sa patrunda carnea.
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