Avocado and spinach - a memorable salad for days when you are depressed because of the scale. Take fresh spinach, do not be hard, wash it and clean it as lettuce, then cut it into small pieces.Add green onion, cooked some pasta (which replaces the bread and not gain weight) some grilled chicken breast chopped and last but not least, avocado shaving. Season with salt, pepper and vinegar.
AVOCADO SI SPANAC - O salata memorabila, pentru zilele in care sunteti deprimati din cauza cantarului. Luati spanac proaspat, sa nu fie tare, il spalati si-l curatati ca pe salata verde, apoi il taiati marunt. Adaugati niste ceapa verde, niste paste fierte ( care inlocuiesc painea si nu ingrasa) niste piept de pui la gratar taiat marunt si nu in ultimul rand, avocado ras. Condimentati cu sare, piper si otet.
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