Cheese rolls with egg - great for this recipe and diet, you will need:
500 grams of fresh cheese, 1 tablespoon of sour cream, 3 boiled eggs, 2 tablespoons cooked corn kernels, 2 tablespoons boiled peas, boiled beans 150 grams, 150 grams of ham or turkey, abag of jelly, salt.
Eggs are cooked separately and beans, peas and corn, if they are not ready to cook them separately canned boiled eggs. Cut ham into cubes.
In a saucepan, place cream cheese, add cream and other ingredients. Separately prepare gelatin. Peel the eggs and spreada sheet of cellophane on the table. Stir gelatin in bowl with cheese and vegetables and mix well, then add ham.
Cellophane film placed on a layer of cheese whey, whole eggs and then again a layer of cheese. Roll and refrigerate until the next day.
RULADA DE BRANZA CU OU - Pentru aceasta reteta deosebita si dietetica, aveti nevoie de :
500 grame de branza de vaci dulce, 1 lingura de smantana, 3 oua fierte tari, 2 linguri boabe de porumb fierte, 2 linguri mazare fiarta, 150 grame fasole pastai fiarta, 150 grame de sunca de pui sau curcan, un pliculet de gelatina, sare.
Ouale se fierb separat iar fasolea, mazarea si porumbul, daca nu sunt gata fierte din conserva le fierbeti separat de oua. Sunca se taie cubulete.
Intr-un vas se pune branza de vaci, se adauga smantana si celelalte ingrediente. Separat se prepara gelatina. Se curata ouale si se intinde o folie de celofan pe masa. Se adauga gelatina in vasul cu branza si legumele si se amesteca bine, apoi se adauga si sunca.
Pe folia de celofan ser aseaza un strat de branza, apoi ouale intregi si din nou un strat de branza. Se ruleaza si se da la frigider pana a doua zi.
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