Need a turkey about 4-5 kg, bread, milk and raisins.
For sauce you need butter, salt and white wine.
Place turkey in a separate pan and soak bread in milk, then addraisins, salt and spices to taste and stir by hand until mixture becomes smooth.
Start filling the turkey, then sew it back with a thick thread because the composition does not spread. When finished, rub the turkey with butter and salt and give it to the oven.
Sauce make a separate pan, put wine that is boiled with butter and salt. Roasted turkey should sit so many hours each pound. If the turkey is 4 pounds roasting time should be 4 hours and a half.
From 10 to 10 minutes need to remove the turkey and rub it with bytes. When sauce is finished pour the sauce over it, so as not to dry.
*****CURCAN UMPLUT CU STAFIDE - Aceasta reteta o am de la bunica mea si am preparat-o cu ocazia Craciunului, fiindca de revelion am fost la un restaurant, asa ca nu am mai gatit.
Aveti nevoie de un curcan cam de vreo 4-5 kilograme, o paine, lapte si stafide.
Pentru bait aveti nevoie de unt, sare si vin alb.
Asezati curcanul in tava si separat inmuiati painea in lapte, apoi adaugati stafidele, sarea si condimente dupa gust si amestecati cu mana pana devine compozitia omogena.
Incepeti sa umpleti curcanul, apoi il coaseti cu o ata groasa pentru ca compozitia sa nu se imprastie. Cand ati terminat frecati curcanul cu unt si sare si il dati la cuptor.
Separat faceti baitul intr-o cratita, adica puneti vinul cu untul la fiert si cu sarea. Curcanul trebuie sa stea la cuptor atatea ore cate kilograme are. Daca curcanul are 4 kilograme, timpul de frigere trebuie sa fie de 4 ore si jumatate.
Din 10 in 10 minute trebuie sa scoateti curcanul si sa-l ungeti cu baitul. Cand sosul se termina turnati din sos deasupra lui, astfel incat sa nu se usuce.
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