**** PLUCK Soup - This soup is always served the day after the wedding. Need 1.5 gallons of cabbage soup, goose or turkey entrails, 1 carrot, 1 celery root, 1 parsley root, 1 onion, 3 table spoons rice, salt, parsley and dill leaves green.
Boil the feet, neck and entrails goose or turkey, add onion, carrot,celery and chopped parsley. Then add the rice. When they are cooked well add sauer kraut juice, cooked in advance. Add chopped greens to the final.
CIORBA DE POTROACE **** - Aceasta ciorba se serveste intotdeauna a doua zi dupa nunta. Aveti nevoie de 1,5 litrii zeama de varza, maruntaie gasca sau de curcan, 1 morcov, 1 radacina telina, 1 radacina patrunjel, 1 ceapa, 3 linguri orez, sare, patrunjel frunze si marar verde.
Se fierb picioarele, gatul si pipotele de gasca sau curcan, se adauga ceapa, morcovul, patrunjelul si telina taiate marunt. Apoi se adauga orezul. Cand au fiert bine se adauga zeama de varza murata, fiarta in prealabil. Se adauga la final verdeata taiata marunt.
Draga Claudia, asta e chiar caraghios! A doua zi dupa: "thanksgiving" si amindoua ne gindim la ciorba de potroace! Ce buna e la momentul potrivit!