Boiled sturgeon **** - Clean fish scales well, you scald your skin with hot water, then laugh until it becomes smooth skin scales. Add saltand leave for half an hour. Boil water with a chopped onion, a carrot,parsley root and a bay leaf. When the vegetables begin to boil, place 2-3 potatoes, peeled and sturgeon. Let boil for half an hour then let cool in its broth. It is very easy to cut and serve with boiled potatoe sand mayonnaise sauce.
RASOL DE NISETRU **** - Se curata pestele bine de solzi, se opareste pielea cu apa fierbinte, apoi se rad solzii pana devine pielea neteda. Se sareaza si se lasa jumatate de ora. Se pune la fiert apa cu o ceapa taiata marunt, un morcov, o radacina de patrunjel si o frunza de dafin. Cand zarzavatul incepe sa fiarba se pune nisetrul si 2-3 cartofi curatati. Se lasa sa fiarba jumatate de ora apoi se lasa la racit in zeama lui. Se taie foarte usor si se serveste cu cartofi natur si sos de maioneza.
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