BISCUIT WITH ALMOND - Beat three egg whites, along with 75 grams of sugar and salt a knife tip. Add 180 grams of peeled and finely chopped almonds and a teaspoon of flour tip.
Grease a pan with bees wax, the composition is put a spoon in the pan, smoothing with the back of the spoon to spread it equally and bake 10 minutes to hard fire . Remove hot knife and bring on a bottle to take a round shape.
BISCUITI CU MIGDALE - Se bat trei albusuri spuma, impreuna cu 75 grame de zahar si un virf de cutit de zahar. Se adauga 180 grame de migdale curatate si taiate fin si un virf de ligura de faina.
Se unge o tava cu ceara de albine, se pune din compozitie cu lingurita in tava, se netezeste cu dosul linguritei ca sa se intinda egal si se coc 10 minute la foc tare. Se scot fierbinti cu cutitul si se pun pe o sticla ca sa ia o forma rotunda.
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