So you need 500 grams of cheese, 6 table spoons honey, raisins 150 grams, 500 grams flour, grated rind of two lemons, 2 sachets vanilla sugar and 6 eggs.
4 egg whites mixed with sugar, but not too long to make foam. Then add the flour and egg yolks. Pour into pan and press half of the composition in the oven at low heat.
In a bowl mix cheese with honey and lemon peel, raisins race in the end composition and homogenized in two eggs.
When you think made the cake - check with a tooth pick, pour over the mixture and flatten it with a spatula, cover the whole cake so the pan. Give back to the oven at low heat. When the mixture wasstirred, add the dough and let rest in the oven. Check with tooth pick and mend the fire will not burn.
**** PLACINTA CU BRANZA - stiu ca o sa-mi spuneti ca am o fixatie pentru stafide, dar hay sa ziceam ca iarna asta le-am folosit mai mult decat de obicei, asta fiindca sotul meu nu mai are voie sa manance nuci.
amestecati 4 albusuri cu zahar, dar nu prea mult pana se fac spuma. Apoi adaugati faina si galbenusurile. Turnati in tava jumatate din compozitie si dati la cuptor la foc mic.
Intr-un castron amestecati branza cu mierea cu coaja de lamaie rasa si cu stafidele, la sfarsit omogenizati in compozitie si doua oua.
Cand credeti ca blatul s-a facut - verificati cu o scobitoare- turnati deasupra compozitia si nivelati-o cu o spatula, astfel incat sa acopere tot blatul din tava. Dati din nou la cuptor la foc mic. Cand compozitia s-a omogenizat, adaugati si restul de blat si dati la cuptor. Verificati cu scobitoarea si nu intetiti focul ncaci se va arde.
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