MURATA cucumbers (gherkins recipe Bulgaria) - take as smallcucumbers in cold water spalatii. Castraveciorii Place in jars.
Separately, put in a pot to boil 500 milliliters of vinegar, 4 tablespoons sugar, 4 tablespoons of salt, crushed bay leaves, coriander whole, 2 tablespoons of honey, water and pepper.Quantities for 1500 milliliters of fluid are necessary for more jars.Composition and put it to boil when boiled in a pot pour overcucumbers. Do not pour it all at once because you will not let outthe air. If the air went out and the jar is full, put capacaul jar with the lid and turn it down and keep it for 24 hours.
CASTRAVECIORI MURATI (reteta de cornison bulgaresc) - luati castraveciori cat mai mici si spalatii in apa rece. Asezati castraveciorii in borcane.
Separat, puneti intr-un vas la fiert 500 mililitrii de otet, 4 linguri de zahar, 4 linguri de sare, foi de dafin maruntite, coriandru intreg, 2 linguri de miere, apa si piper boabe. Cantitatile sunt pentru 1500 mililitrii de lichid, necesar pentru mai multe borcane. Compozitia o puneti la fiert si cand a dat in clocot o turnati in borcan peste castraveciori. Nu o turnati pe toata odata fiindca nu veti lasa sa iasa aerul. Daca aerul a iesit si borcanul este plin, puneti capacaul si rasturnati borcanul cu capacul in jos si-l tineti asa 24 de ore.
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