Martyrs - today is a very important religious holiday, the Day of the 40 martyrs of Sebaste, meaning "day of no name"to refer to al lthose who not bear names of saints. On this particular occasion, we prepare a traditional dessert. Need:
500 grams flour, one cup water, salt, vanilla, rum, 3-4 teaspoons of lemon zest, sugar, cinnamon, ground nuts and a bag of vanilla sugar.
The flour, water and salt according to knead the dough hard, you stretch the sheet of half inch thick and cut with the special form of eight martyrs. He put in a pan and let them dry for an hour. Place ona pan fire with water, sugar and a pinch of salt and when water boils,carefully loosen the martyrs, add lemon zest, vanilla and vanilla and let it simmer for 20-25 minutes. Before taking the pot from heat, add rum essent, ground nuts and cinnamon.
MUCENICI - astazi este o sarbatoare religioasa foarte importanta, Ziua celor 40 de mucenici din Sevasta., adica "ziua celor fara nume" care se refera la toti cei care nu poarta nume de sfinti. Cu acesta ocazie se prepara un desert special traditional. Aveti nevoie de :
500 grame faina, o cana apa, sare, esenta de vanilie, esenta de rom, 3-4 lingurite de coaja rasa de lamaie, zahar, scortisoara, nuca macinata si un plic de zahar vanilat.
Din faina, apa si sare framantati un aluat potrivit de tare, pe care il intindeti in foaie de 1/2 cm grosime si taiati mucenicii cu forma speciala de 8. Ii asezati intr-o tava si ii lasati sa se usuce o ora. Puneti pe foc o oala cu cu apa, zahar si un praf de sare si cand apa clocoteste, dati drumul cu grija mucenicilor, adaugati coaja rasa de lamaie, vanilia si zaharul vanilat si lasati sa fiarba 20-25 minute. Inainte de a lua oala de pe foc, adaugati esetnta de rom, nuca macinata si scortisoara.
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